MOBILITYLATAM_# (# is the number of birthyears grouped to form a cohort) If you use this database, please cite the paper "Educational inequality and intergenerational mobility in Latin America: A new database" by Guido Neidhöfer, Joaquin Serrano and Leonardo Gasparini Variables: country "Country name" idenpa "Country code" cohort "Cohort" survey "Survey name" N "Number of observations" educ "Years of schooling" educ_parents "Years of schooling (Parents)" age "Age" male "Share of males" b "Intergenerational persistence parameter" blog "Intergenerational elasticity" bstd "Intergenerational correlation (b standarized)" corr_spearman "Spearman's correlation" var "Variance of years of schooling" var_parents "Variance of years of schooling (Parents)" prob_high "Prob(high education) | High parental education" prob_low "Prob(high education) | Low parental education" M1 "Absolute mobility" M2 "Directional mobility" Contact: guido.neidhoefer [at]